Virgoian, Tradermare, peppermintyrose, VAlady, 88spike
Your story will be judged based on writing style, diction, dialog, story structure, creativity, and spelling/grammar. The top two will be awarded prizes, with one award also being given to the best virgin writer.
Fan Voting:
There will be an open round of public voting on with the fan favorites being chosen, the top two will receive prizes. There will also be one story chosen by the hosts to receive a prize.
Here's a breakdown of how stories will be judged:
CATEGORY | GUIDELINES | Max. Points | Points Given |
Writing | Overall quality of the writing; style and narration is believable and compelling; story flows; clear point of view; consistent tone; credible plot with no “holes”; keeps the reader engaged | 20 | |
Grammar/ Usage/ Mechanics/ Spelling | Story is free from spelling and punctuation errors; no run-ons or fragments (unless warranted by artistic style of the story); avoids repetitive words; varies sentence structure | 10 | |
Diction | Author avoids misused words, awkward language and wordiness; writing is clear in its meaning | 10 | |
Characters | Main characters are well-developed, convincingly created and described, with sufficient depth for a one-shot | 10 | |
Dialogue | Incorporated smoothly within narrative; seems appropriate for characters, whether canon or AU | 10 | |
Structure/ Organization | Clear format, easy to follow plotline; flashbacks are integrated well (if used); story builds to a climax and includes resolution; seems ‘complete’ as a one-shot | 10 | |
Creativity | Original storyline; creative use of characters and plot, twist, and/or narrative style | 10 | |
Emotional Impact | Story engages and connects with reader, leaves lasting impression; the “WOW” factor | 15 | |
Research/ Historically Accurate | Story is researched and factual; plot well researched and historically correct | 5 | |